Discrimination: Today the Supreme Court decided that it's all right for the military to recruit from college campus' even though most universities object to the Pentagon's discrimatory policy on gays. The Threat: If colleges don't subject to this new law, then they will lose federal funding.
Now recruiters will be able to solicit their views on colleges even though this may result in conflicts. But wait, this doesn't even compare to the manipulation that's already been occurring in our nation:
Recruiting is now allowed in public schools thanks to an amendment rider in the No Child Left Behind Act. They really meant it when they wouldn't leave any children behind. The above poster is something I found posted all over the walls of a local high school. The U.S. government is trying to manipulate adolescents (in lower economic areas) to think that war is good and justified and that the military is the only way out of their problems. They've even resorted to giving out free "prizes." Perhaps they should just start tagging them in elementary school.