Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dick Hunter

Hunter-- one of my favorite tv shows from growing up in the 80's. Every week Sgt. Rick Hunter would hunt down the worst criminals of Los Angeles. He aimed at some of those criminals and disabled them on purpose. The difference now is the hunter is a criminal too and the aim is horrible.

It baffles me that the media is jumping all over the Dick Cheney incident as if they haven't had a news story in weeks (or good ratings). Dick can send soldiers off to war based on faulty intelligence and flat out lies. Dick can reward polluting industries with tax breaks and less environmental regulations. Dick can smear good people (undercover CIA agents) and veterans (John Kerry) for political power and spite. Dick can profit on the Iraq invasion. Dick can keep wiping his feet all over America, but the press won't be anywhere near it. But when Dick shoots a Republican lawyer in the woods, well, hey that's exciting.