This could put us in the right direction
I just saw the most important film of the year: http://www.climatecrisis.net/
Find a theater: http://www.fandango.com/MoviePage.aspx?mid=95961&source=bm_title
See what you can do and take action: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/
Al Gore was talking about Global Warming 20 years ago. Can we finally start paying attention?
An Inconvenient Truth is the most important film of the year. Of course, we can assume most people seeing the film are fans of Gore or curious Democrats, but we all need to be reminded of the issues and we all need to know the facts. And this film may just transcend past red-blue-Inde party lines. As Gore says in the film, "this is not just a political issue, it's a moral one." And I think more and more Republicans are begining to see this connection. As for the independents, this film shows the green party (especially the ones who ignored his environmental book Earth in Balance) how wrong they were about Gore. Evident in this film as well as all of Gore's writings and bill proposals in the Senate, the environment has been a life-long mission for Gore. And this mission is exactly what this film documents.
We need someone like Al Gore as president. Someone who will make the necessary changes. That's why I'm part of an initiative to draft Al for President in 2008 http://www.algore.org/ While my prediction of a Gore/Edwards ticket might be feasible, I must also face the realization that Gore may in fact be retired from politics. And that's ok because the man who won the 2000 election but lost the selection will always be a president for the people and the environment. Forget titles. This film proves it.
Another great thing I'd like to mention is the amount of teenagers I saw in the theater. Even though I saw a few of their minds wander, eveident from some of the chatter and movement in the room, at least they were there. What brought them to this film? I don't know. Did they appreciate it like my wife and I did? No probably not. But maybe someday they will.
I do believe and hope that a new movement is about to begin, yet it still may get a little worse before it gets better. Let's all just hope the tide is turning.