Saturday, July 29, 2006


World War III? Exactly what they said with Russia in the inflated Cold War. It now turns out Russia has more freedoms than we do here in the U.S., even though Republicans still label them as “evil communists.” In the next breathe Republicans are shaking hands with communist China. So which is it? Evil or not? Now radical Republicans are forcing their apocalyptic and biblical world war against anyone who is not white, Christian, and Republican.

The Israel/Lebanon conflict is a shame, but is it our business? Some Americans think so, but the Pentagon says our military is far too stretched due to Iraq. Perhaps those Americans should volunteer to go fight. Israel is once again acting like a middle school child on a playground while also gaining the sympathy/guilt of the American media. Civilians are dying in the streets of Lebanon, yet all we hear about is poor Israel. But don't think for a minute that I'm defending Hezbollah. Both parties are wrong and out of line. Should something be done? Yes, but leave that to the United Nations.

Despite American support for Israel, we have a White House that acts like Nazi’s (Bush’s grandfather was actually a Nazi supporter.) This administration has been spreading hate in America and beyond ever since it stole a part of our democracy in the selection of 2000. It’s no surprise that violent crime and hate-groups have rapidly increased in the last 6 years. Who are the skinheads, KKK, and Neo-Nazis worshipping? The president. Bush might as well get a tattoo and bic his head bald.

All the while as Bush ignored intelligence that would have prevented 9/11, as he launched an invasion of Afghanistan that had more to do with heroin crops and oil than Osama, and then invaded a nation that had no WMD or links to terrorism until we got there, we have a president who has neglected every American’s freedoms, every American’s right to progress, every American’s safety, and robbed every future American’s inheritance of a healthy and flourishing environment, all for financial, political, and religious gain. All this as he holds the hand of Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia- the biggest national sponsor of global terrorism.

The truth is the American government has terrorists too. The U.S. killed far more people than Saddam Hussein, just there in the nation of Iraq. Never mind Vietnam, Korea, African Americans, and Native Americans. Naturally, our government is going to defend Israel, a nation very much guilty of excessive war crimes. Why? Because, one, there’s a lot of money at stake. Two, there’s religious history at stake. Israel has two people kidnapped by a radical group and they decide to launch missiles at innocent civilians killing hundreds. What’s wrong with that picture?

Is there a religious clash occurring in the Middle East? Yes, there has been for the last 3,000 years. Are there terrorists? Yes and there always will be especially as long as we infringe on other’s beliefs as we commonly do. Let’s let the intelligence organizations handle terrorism as they’ve always done. There’s no reason to talk about it, unless they purposefully want to exploit it and use it to control the American people. But let’s make one thing clear, terrorists are not limited to being Muslim. They are white, Christian, and American too. And some even work in the U.S. government. Are there radical Muslims that hate Americans? Yes, many are in Saudi Arabia (the nation Bush holds hands with) and Dubai (the nation he wanted to hand our port security over to). Some Muslims may have good cause for their hate, but we won’t get into an expansive history lesson here though; that’s what college and reading books is for. But just to remind you, Hitler was a white Christian on an ethnic and religious crusade also.

Bush has divided America and divided us from the world. 75% of Europeans now view us a threat to world peace. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for Americans has become a rough road. Our Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Even though we are currently losing these freedoms to people who live in the shadow of fear of terrorism, the United States was founded on liberties and freedom. Unfortunately, this also excluded and enslaved an entire race and included the extermination of another. It would be ignorant to ignore the evils that our nation has brewed in the past by gloating over how we are the “greatest” nation in the world. This type of condescending bigotry is the kind that hurts world peace; it is also how the terrorists think. We don’t need a pissing contest; we need united intelligence and united diplomacy— something the U.N. has been successful at. As John F. Kennedy once said, “Our strength and our hope is the United Nations, and I see little merit in the impatience of those who would abandon this imperfect world instrument because they dislike our imperfect world.”

The Declaration of Independence also states, “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people,” in reference to the tyrannical King George (what a coincidence of names!). We should be declaring our independence from this George, who has plundered the seas, ravaged the Coasts, burnt towns, and destroyed the lives of people both here in America and there in the Middle East.

Iraq is a mess because Bush invaded a nation that threatened no more than his ego and his contributor’s pockets. If you still don’t believe that oil was one of the main reasons, then read the executive order to launch the war. Petroleum is emphasized throughout the document and comes up in the first few lines:

Bush is the real terrorist. He brought terrorism to America by ignoring intelligence and turning his cheek while his ratings were the lowest of any sitting president. On September 12th his ratings changed. Now Bush has brought radical terrorism to Iraq, something even Saddam Hussein never allowed. Don’t forget about Afghanistan, where the number of Al-Qaeda members is more than ever. Bush’s “war on terrorism” is a failure and anyone who still doesn’t see this is chained to the FOX box.

There is no possible way of having intellectual discussion with people who believe the Republican spin of nonsense. If you still don’t recognize the damage George W. Bush has done to America and the world, then you are one of the following four things: 1. profiting from defense and oil stocks. 2. Psychologically scarred from 9/11 and brainwashed by the propaganda. 3. Completely ignorant of the facts. 4. You just don’t care about people e.g. world peace, clean environment, equality, and progress.

Republicans just don’t get it. They make conclusions from the first line of a headline or something they hear on Drug-Rush Limbaugh III’s radio show. Nothing is original with Republicans. They hear it somewhere and they spin it until others actually believe it. It even ends up in the news. The producer: the Bush administration. It isn’t a secret that they’ve been caught paying off “journalists.” The main stream media is filled with their paid off operatives. And the American public is the one that has suffered. Of course, Republicans use the old “media” blame-game every time something bad does come out, like how innocent civilians were being held captive for no reason and being beaten and sexually assaulted in prison or how the government decided for itself that it could now listen in on all of our private conversations. The truth is the media has been absent from doing their jobs. When they suddenly pop out a story that’s damaging, Republicans use it as an excuse to protect themselves. Their manipulation is classic 1984. (This is a book in case you’ve never heard of it.)

Over 65% of all Americans disapprove of the president’s job performance. Finally, the tide is turning. The cat is out of the bag. The debate is over. It took two rigged elections, two wars, two fallen towers and four hijacked planes, thousands of dead American soldiers, the doubling of gas prices and real estate, rising unemployment, and a hurricane disaster. It took all of this for the other half of America to wake up.

Don’t stand for their hate. There is no reason to go to war, (unless you own stock in Halliburton or Exxon-Mobile or you are trying to fulfill the literal reading of the Bible.) But really, if you think there are good reasons to go to war over religion, then maybe it’s time you re-evaluate your beliefs. Check out this book:

One of my students said to me the other day, "I heard that the Asians were killed by that Tsunami because they didn't believe in God." Who did they hear that from? A Republican of course. I responded, "Well, they believe in their own God and no God would do such a horrible thing to people, even if they weren't believers." Until human beings realize that religious discrimination and labels cause more harm than good, we will be always on the brink of war.

Your children and grandchildren deserve a better future in a peaceful world where it is still safe to drink the water, where they don’t have to pay off the debt of our economical blunders, where education provides them with the tools they need to excel, where jobs and healthcare are available. And what about global warming? This administration refuses to acknowledge scientific evidence and warnings from every prominent scientist in the world (excluding the ones paid off by Exxon-Mobile). Global warming? Ha! Dealing with that would ruin the profit of their biggest contributors (big oil) and make the planet healthier, which in effect would ruin the profit of another one of their big contributors (the pharmaceutical companies.) Republican followers don’t see the big picture though. They don’t see all of the issues that affect us on a global scale. All they see is terrorism. Why? Well, because they’re told so by the ones who messed up in 2001 when they blatantly ignored memos titled “Bin Laden determined to strike U.S.”

For those who will attempt to claim that we who oppose the Bush administration are unpatriotic and on the side of the terrorists, I quote writer and Vietnam War protestor Martin Jeezer,

“This country was not created by men subservient to law and government. It was created and made great by civil disobedients like Quakers who refused to compromise their religion to suit Puritan theocracy; by Puritans who openly defied British authority; by provo-type Sons of Liberty who burned stamps to protest the Stamp Act and who dumped tea in Boston harbor; by abolitionists who ignored the Fugitive Slave Law, by slaves who refused to act like slaves; by working men who insisted, despite the law, on their right to organize; by black Americans who refused to ride in the back of the bus. So when people tell me that I have no respect for law and order and that I don’t love my country, I reply: ‘Jefferson, Tom Paine, Garrison, Thoreau, AJ Muste, the Freedom Riders, these are my country-men whom I love; with them I stand.”

We can add in Rosa Parks, Rachel Carson, Martin Luther King Jr. and a host of other American heroes who spoke out for all Americans and changed the world we live in for the better. Progress, progress, progress! That’s what we want. Let's talk about progress, not the possibility of world war.

For all we have endured, I do believe we have learned our lesson. We have learned that we must monitor voting practices. We have learned that we must be careful about who we choose to run local government, because local government is ultimately in charge of how we elect our federal government. In a 2005 poll taken less than a year after the election, 56% of all Americans said they didn’t vote for Bush. When asked whether they would vote for a Republican if the election were held today, close to 60% said they would not. In a similar poll, 70% of Americans said they were dissatisfied with the U.S. Republican led Congress. As of March 2006, less than 32% of all Americans said they were satisfied with the job Bush was doing. What this equals to is a Democratic Congress in 2006 and a Democratic President in 2008 (considering our voting rights are not ripped away once more by fraudulent state elections and hacked computers). Sorry Republicans, but the nation is slowly putting itself back together. We’ve had enough of being broken down in a broken nation by a broken administration consisting of broken people. So let’s bring the troops home, start the healing, and start rebuilding.

“As the sword was the last resort for the preservation of our liberties, so it ought to be the first to be laid aside when those liberties are firmly established.”
-George Washington

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Subject: World War III
Fri, 28 Jul 2006
by Gary Pecorella
We are teetering precipitously on the brink of World War III. Here in America, a slim majority comprehends the real and imminent threat Islamic extremism poses to the USA and the entire free world. But for the remainder of the population, especially the American Left and the main stream media, to which my anger is directed, what is your problem?
Do you not see that the precarious fate of our civilized world lies wholly in our realization that 'WE', collectively the people of all free nations, must come together to confront, engage and win this war (YES, this IS a war) against an enemy whose one purpose is to destroy us and our very way of life forever?
Islamic terrorists are worse than bad. Al queda, Hezbollah, Hamas, whatever name they go by, they are the Nazis of the 21st century. They are murdering fanatics who are misguided by an insane theocracy which preaches and justifies the destruction of all infidels (non-Muslims).
Islamic terrorists deliberately and intentionally kill innocent people by beheading them, slitting their throats, or by burning and mutilating their bodies. They fly airplanes into buildings. They enlist suicide bombers to inflict maximum casualties. They incite hatred against democratic nations; nations whose foundations are built on intrinsic values such as freedom of choice, equal rights for women, and the freedom to practice one's faith without fear of persecution. Our founding forefathers referred to these rights on one very important document as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
This assault, this Jihad, is directed against America AND Israel, and against the defining principles that our democracies hold true. We MUST heed the urgent call to defend our way of life or we will not survive.
This is a new kind of war. The enemy no longer engages in battle on the frontline. They wear no uniform. They attack from holes. They hide within mosques, hospitals, schools, and other infrastructure of their civilian population. This enemy has NO regard for human life, not even for its own non-extremist brother who is a mere pawn to the Jihad 'cause'. With cunning ruthlessness, this cowardly army pillages under the safety net of innocent victims caught in the crossfire. The terrorists, the REAL perpetrators, show no respect for rules of engagement. Their lack of respect for life is the root cause for creating humanitarian crises. There isn't a shard of humanity amongst the lot of them.
This has happened to the general Iraqi populace and it is currently happening to the Lebanese people suffering displacement in the Israeli Offensive to root out Hezbollah terrorists from the very backyards these innocent civilians had called home. The terrorist 'cause' to incite hatred against the Israelis is obviously working, just as the terrorist 'cause' to incite hatred against America and our armed forces in Iraq is working. The twisted propaganda of their Jihad is festering like a tumor on the Arab world, a European Union that can only offer useless policies of appeasement, and those here on the Left who want to hold the terrorists hands, sing Kum-ba-ya around the cease-barnfire, let bygones be bygones, and hope to appeal to the terrorists 'human' nature, making sure we do whatever it takes not to offend them again.
It's fair game under the rules of this war for any of these fanatics to reap fear, suffering, death and destruction upon us. But it's NOT okay for us to draw a cartoon, Allah forbid, say something negative about the Koran, humiliate a detained mass murdering insurgent, deprive him of sleep or other rights guaranteed under the Geneva convention, which, by the way, doesn't apply to terrorists . Those rights are afforded to real soldiers of war, the uniformed kind who back in the old days let you know exactly who you were shooting at.
Jihad is spinning the story, the media is selling and the public is buying. Is the New York Times, which regularly prints government sensitive material under the premise 'the public has a right to know', not aware they are in fact disclosing information and strategies that could aid and abet our enemies in a time of war? Isn't that called treason? Oh, and by the way, Osama, here is how we are spying on you, so make sure you get a new unlisted cell phone number tomorrow.
What about that totally ineffective 'world body' we call the United Nations? Thanks to their consistent policy of doing NOTHING, Iran and Syria are now well on their way to acquiring or developing weapons of mass destruction and the ultimate 'end-everything-everybody-weapon', the dreaded nuclear bomb.
Who, aside from an Islamic kook, could dare to accuse the Bush administration of causing the current world crisis? Should we never have fought back, even after nineteen terrorists killed three thousand of our own citizens, forever changing the skyline of the greatest city in the free world? Should we not have taken out Saddam Hussein, the most dangerous dictator in all the Middle East, saving hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives in the process? Should the Israelis not defend themselves against the daily assault they have endured for fifty years upon their tiny little country, part of which they have actually GIVEN BACK to the Arabs? Should we believe Iran when they say there is no such thing as the Holocaust?
We didn't start this war. We can no longer afford to be blindsided. Not now. Not after September 11th; not after al queda's proclamation to the world that western civilization must be destroyed; and certainly not after Iran perfectly made clear its intention to annihilate Israel with a nuke just as soon as they can get their hands on one. It is a dead fool who believes he can negotiate with terrorists. There is no negotiating. There can be no appeasement. The only good terrorist is a DEAD terrorist.
I am proud to stand with those of us who truly love this country and everything the United States of America stands for. I salute Israel and its people. They have shown, and they continue to show endless courage in defending their right to exist. Against all odds, they have NEVER given up, no matter the cost. No people, to my knowledge, have paid more dearly to exist than the Jewish people. I truly believe that Israel could be our greatest asset in the war on terror. They have the guts to stand up for what they believe in. Can this country ever come together with that kind of conviction? I hope and pray so for our children and for our children's children. What has to happen to our United States of America before the other half of us will step up to the plate? We are one nation under God, or we will be none under Allah.
Thank you for listening. If any of this should offend or shock you, I make no apology. I don't hate anybody other than the terrorists. This is how I feel. I am thankful that I can freely voice my opinion and be allowed to live. That is because I AM an American in America, which in spite of its multitude of problems, is still the GREATEST country in the world. I am also an Aries, and I cannot for the life of me tolerate indecision, inaction, incompetence, or injustice. If you don't agree, simply delete it. But I hope that if you DO agree with anything or everything, that you might just pass this on.