Wow, so much has been happening. Karl Rove is about to be idicted for his crimes. Bush is down to a 29% approval rating- the lowest approval rating of any sitting president, proving the fact that he is the worst president in U.S. history. Hey and how about Laura, stating that she doesn't believe the polls. "Americans love my Georgie." That's some serious denial at work. And what about the NSA topic? That's another thing coming to the surface and pushing the president's ratings down. Another lie and instrusion on our American civil liberties.
Millions of Americans are banding together and finally realizing that we the American public have been battered and abused. Well, we're not going to get bullied anymore. Get the word out about progressive candidates in your state.
Let's remember, we need to keep a close eye on voting practices, especially states that have had previous fraudulent voting results: North Carolina, New Mexico, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, and Florida. Volunteer to work at your local polling station so you can keep a close eye on the votes yourself. Call your local representative and tell them you won't stand for electronic voting.
And hopefully all of the hard work that Rep. John Conyers, Black Box Voting, Brad Blog, and many more people and organizations will have paid off.
Be positive, the tide is turning.