Friday, August 25, 2006

Dear God

Dear God,

I know you are busy and have much to attend to, but I just needed to ask you a few important questions because there are many people in this world who are very upset right now.

Have you given permission to George W. Bush and the Republicans to go to war with Iraq and send thousands of Americans off to die? Is it also all right to kill thousands of Iraqis? God, did you tell them to lie about the reasons to go to war and then say it was all right when they didn’t apologize? God, do you approve of the death penalty, you know, the law where George W. Bush as Governor of Texas executed 152 prisoners, some of whom were veterans and mentally retarded? God, did you give permission to the administration to weaken the protection of wildlife habitat and endangered species for the benefit of the timber and mining industries? Is it also ok to put corporations before families? God, do you approve of a Constitutional Amendment that would ban two people who love each other from getting married? God, do you force one religion on everybody? God, is it ok now that America is so divided? Is it all right now that the world is even more divided? Because there are some who say they are people of God and Morals, and they say you approve of all of these things. God, I hope not. I pray you haven’t commanded these acts. The God I’ve always known wouldn’t do those things. Please answer us.
Little Billy

Take a critical look at what Bush’s “faith and compassion” have accomplished for the nation since 2001:
· over 2 million Americans have lost their jobs.
· 4 million more Americans are living in poverty.
· 6 million have lost their health care coverage - bringing the total uninsured to a record 46 million.
· over 2,500 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq; over 25,000 have been seriously wounded.
· an estimated 15,000 civilians have been killed by U.S. military operations in Iraq since 2003.
· the federal debt reached $8 trillion, the highest in U.S. history.
· air pollution has increased due to weakening of the Clean Air Act.

Is the above destruction the work of God? Well, the radical Republicans will tell you it is because they’ll tell you they’re the work and party of God. Does God really work that hard at wrecking America? I guess this would be true if you go by what some of the Christian fundamentalists said about the 2004 Tsunami and 2005 Hurricane Katrina. According to these nuts, the tsunami occurred because that region of the world is mostly Muslim. How benevolent of God to get rid of all of those non-Christian Asians! Likewise, the hurricane struck where it did because one area hit by Katrina had several abortion clinics. That would have been the logic of God: knock out an entire region and kill thousands because there were a couple of clinics in the area. Give me a break. I won’t stand for this kind of hatred and neither should you. But those hateful and obnoxious statements were from Bush’s second biggest supporters— the radical evangelicals.