It bewilders me that a man in prison for brutally killing his parents and siblings can marry a woman, but harmless gay couples who love each other and contribute to society are not allowed to wed? There are ruthless killers and criminals in prisons all across America married and still getting married right inside their jails, yet the church nor Bush seem to have a problem with that. The bottom line is Bush’s push for marriage-values is nothing more than a festival of gay-bashing.
In 2005 the Vatican began a review of each of the 229 Catholic seminaries in the U.S. for “evidence of homosexuality.” In their mission to ban gay priests to counter the sex-abuse scandal, they actually made a worse situation by discriminating against gays and claiming that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” The priests who molested and raped thousands of children (mostly male due to the fact that girls weren’t generally allowed to work as altar girls) are pedophiles not homosexuals— there’s a difference. There are many gay priests who live faithful lives in celibacy, but due to ignorance, they are now in danger.
The Catholic Church is the least of the gay community’s worries though. It’s the radical evangelicals in the red states who have the real excessive hatred for gays and see them as a group of evil sinners dangerous to society. These organizations of hate dominate states like Kansas and Nebraska and are Bush’s second largest supporters. The intensity of their hate is equivalent to that of the KKK or the Nazi regime, yet they call themselves people of God (The KKK and Nazis were Christian too.) These evangelical haters pushed Bush to propose a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and he followed though. The proposed amendment was providentially squashed by the Senate 48-50, but the battle isn’t over; you’d better believe these warriors of hate are brewing up a new plan.
Why people like Bush are so afraid of gays, we’ll never know. Maybe they’re afraid of something they don’t want to face? Tom DeLay just happens to have a little bit of a strut when he walks— I wonder? Maybe they’re not secure with their own sexuality? Maybe they’re not educated enough? Or maybe they’re just listening to their church again?