As the 5th anniversary of 9/11 nears, we will all be reminded of the horrors that took place on that day, not that we could ever forget it anyway. CNN has announced that it intends, on the 11th, to rebroadcast all of the coverage of the attacks from 8:30 a.m. until midnight. Other networks have similar plans. What does ABC have in mind? How about a right-wing Republican smear that blames the entire terrorist attack on President Clinton? Yes, that's right. Extremist Republicans are exploiting 9/11 again for political gain, to smear Clinton as they did while he was in office, and to show that Democrats only let things like 9/11 happen, when we know that is far from the truth.
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To contact ABC and complain:
The truth is they're hiding from the facts. The facts that George W. Bush ignored more than several key warnings; some warnings are preserved in writing such as the August 2001 memo "Bin Laden determined to strike the U.S.... using airliners." The fact that Republicans cut anti-terrorism funding. The fact that many people from around the world knew the attacks were going to take place that day and the administration did nothing. The fact that the Bush family had strong connections with the Bin Laden family. The fact that Republicans have done business with the Bin Ladens for decades. The fact that the administration has failed to capture Osama for his crimes. Don't let their story-telling and cover-ups distract you from the truth.
We should never forget why and how 9/11 happened: incompetence, ignorance, failed policy, laziness, and opportunistic motive to exploit, all on the part of the Bush administration. And we saw it again with Hurricane Katrina, the response to the Asian Tsunami, the lack of response to Darfur, the U.S. economy, the highest gas & oil prices in U.S. history, the war in Iraq, lack of healthcare, rising poverty, a rising crime-rate, and their attack on the environment. If only things had been different and we had had a real democratic election of our president in 2000.