The #2 reasons this administration put us in this horrible situation in Iraq were WMD and links to terrorism. The chemical and biological agents they spoke of (that yes we gave them) were from outdated reports up to 12 years old. Whatever did remain would have had an expired shelf life, but they never even found anything, did they? Links to terrorism, zero again.
Now that we're there, on the other hand, there is terrorism running rampant in Iraq. Read Woodward's new book on that.
Iraq has become a breeding ground for terrorism, which it never was even under Sadddam's leadership. By the way, we were the ones who used biological weapons against the Iraqis in 2003, which the international community is well aware of and in which makes the Bush administration guilty of war crimes.
Now Republicans try to use the genocide and oppressive government cards. If genocide was really on the top of their list, why aren’t they doing a thing about Darfur? If oppressive government was a reason, why aren’t they doing anything about Saudi Arabia or China? Instead, we do business with them.
One Republican recently said, “they (the next president) will have to finish the job IF it isn't finished by then.” Do they honestly believe that Bush is going to fix this Iraq problem in the next year? Those are rose-colored glasses they’re looking through, again.
Republicans also like us to believe that the terrorist problem will go not away when the present administration is no longer in office. They're actually right, of course terrorism won’t go away; they’ve created more of it. Iraq is a breeding ground for terrorism now. Bush has angered so many in the Middle East that we’ll see the repercussions for years, as we did with 9/11— a result of 12 years of Republican follies and aggression.
There is nothing irrational about remembering why we even there in the first place. We should never forget the truth and we should hold those responsible for lies and misinformation. People are dying, but Republicans obviously don’t care.
They can recheck all of the issues you want; the facts are this administration spent months lying to the public on a propaganda campaign to get into Iraq. They can’t just erase public record because it makes their party look like cheap liars.
Repressed NIE report states that Iraq has led to more global terrorism
In the much-discussed National Intelligence Estimate, the government’s top analysts concluded that Iraq has become a “cause celebre” for jihadists, who are growing in number and geographic reach. If the trend continues, the analysts said, the risks to the U.S. interests at home and abroad surely will grow.
“Are more terrorists being created in the world? We don’t know,” said Rumsfeld, adding that there aren’t good ways to measure how many terrorists are being trained at camps around the world.
Disclosure of the classified report, and President Bush’s subsequent move to make portions of it public, has had broad political ramifications.
Read the declassified part here:
_Declassified_ NIE_Key_Judgments.pdf