Friday, November 17, 2006

After skipping out in the early 70's, Bush finally goes to Vietnam

George W. Bush is finally in Vietnam. It took him over 30 years, but he made it.

So where was he back then?

President Bush has failed to answer lingering questions about his Vietnam-era National Guard service. The American people deserve to know the answers to the following questions because the truth about a president's credentials are important:

● Bush has said he used no special treatment to get into the Guard, but how does he explain the fact that he jumped ahead of 150 applicants despite low pilot aptitude scores?
● Col. Albert Lloyd said, “A report from Alabama to Ellington should have been filed.” Where is that report?
● Why did Bush miss his medical exam in 1972?
● Where are the complete results of the required investigation into Bush’s failure to take that exam?
● Why does the White House say Bush was on base when Bush’s superiors had filed a report saying he was gone for a whole year?
● Why is the Pentagon under orders to not discuss Bush’s record with reporters?
● Where are Bush’s flight logs?
● Why was the microfilm containing Bush’s military records destroyed?
● On May 2, 1973, Bush’s superior officers William D. Harris Jr. and Jerry B. Killian, wrote on his yearly evaluation form, “Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of report” on the very day that pay records released by the White House say Bush was on the base. Those pay records, released in February 2004, along with dental records and retirement point summaries, suggest Bush performed some sort of service in Alabama at least sporadically between October 1972 and May 1973. But they do not account for a six-month gap in Bush’s record between May and October 1972.
● Only 1 man ( who happens to be his friend) remembers Bush serving at some point on the Alabama base, while over fifteen Guardsmen from Bush’s would-be unit say they have no recollection of him showing up for duty.

So now that Bush is finally in Vietnam, let's see what kind of mess he can get himself into there.

Just in case you want to argue that Clinton dodged the draft, we’ll clarify that he actually didn’t. This was just another spin that we have all heard through the dirty media. Clinton actually registered, showed up, and took a physical. 1- He failed his hearing test, which disqualified him from the Navy. 2- He did not have perfect vision, which prevented him from joining the Air Force. 3- His leg was injured as a teenager and never healed perfectly, which exempted him from any ground service. 4- He was a student on an academic scholarship and did not have to serve in the first place. 5- He did not believe in the war. You’re right, Clinton didn’t serve, but he has an admirable past since he came from a poor family and rose up through hard work and determination. When the Bush National Guard truth showed up, the media was criticized for attacking a candidate. But isn't a candidate's past accomplishments necessary in order to evaluate someone for a job? Clinton told the truth about this and he got attacked. Bush lied and he go away with it. Clinton lied about a personal affair and he got attacked. Bush lied about a war that killed thousands and he gets off scott free? Where is that liberal bias in the media now?

Oh and what about Dick? When is he finally going to get over to Vietnam?
When the draft began for Vietnam, Cheney woke up and enrolled at Casper Community College, (he had previosuly flunked out of college). Cheney then transferred to University of Wyoming, which kept him out of the draft until 8/7/64. Married Lynne Vincent earning another deferment. On Oct. 26, 1965 the Selective Service announced that childless married men were no longer exempted from service: 9 months and 2 days later, Cheney’s first daughter Elizabeth was born. Received a total of five deferments between ‘63 & ‘66. Turned 26 in January 1967 making him safe from the draft and enabling him to abandon his mock-doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin.

The one time Cheney has answered the question as to why he avoided serving in Vietnam he said, “I had other priorities.”

By the way, Al Gore, John Kerry, they did go to Vietnam.