Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The day has passed

Election 2006 has passed, and even with voter fraud and intimidation occurring, the Democrats still took Congress. This was much expected and I clearly predicted this win in my book, even though I was concerned about the actual electoral process on voting day. With investigations into 2006 election allegations of fraud and intimidation being launched, with a Democratic Congress there will also now be more intensified investigations of election 2000, 2004, 9/11, the Iraq war intelligence, the Iraq war profiteers, and other forms of various corruption committed by our fading Republican Congress and their lame duck president.

However, some on the far left have already come out blasting Democrats in Congress for not launching their investigations or impeachment. This was all within 23 hours of our nation learning the Democrats had sealed the win. Relax, the Democrats aren't even in power yet. If a few weeks pass after they get in in January and they're saying the same thing then you can start putting pressure on them. But even if they don't say anything or say that they're not going to press the issue, it doesn't mean they're not actively pursuing it. Action is a lot louder than words. What would announcing a mission for impeachment do? Not much other than make them look like Republicans.

Let the Democrats get in there and start rebuilding. We can be assured that investigations are going to begin, continue, and intensify. We can also be assured that impeachment is only a step away. Don't take everything the Democrats say so literally. It's politics. They have to play the game too. Remember that while the House is secured for a time, the Senate can easily change again in just two years. Remember that we now have to focus on getting a progressive leader back in the White House in 2008. Attacking the ones trying to fix the problem isn't going to accomplish much.

This was a real American victory. A victory for democracy. Record numbers of voters turned out to clean up Congress and get the corruption out. A victory for progress. All of those corrupt Republican bigots like Senators Santorum and DeLay are gone. The very ones who helped seal our nation's dark fate, by installing George W. Bush twice, met their own fate with devastating losses, Ken Blackwell and Katherine Harris. Many of the old timers were replaced with young progressive blood. But our nation is far from fixed. There is much to do for 2008 and beyond. So who will our leader be? Who will walk us into the light and restore morality to the White House? Who will be the one to fix our nation?