Like the late great poet Charles Bukowski once said, "Why do we kill all those trees just to celebrate one birthday?"
Earlier in the week I wrote an on-line response to a group posting in response to several people who were upset over a rabbi protesting an airport for their Christmas trees. Others are upset because clerks in stores no longer say "happy holidays." The big "war" on Christmas! See this link about the rabbi:,0,7546296.story
I can't say I blame the guy for having to deal with the trees. If the trees are there, then the menorah should be there too, but then that means there should be Muslim and Buddhist symbols too. But it's important to note that the Christmas tree is not a Christian symbol anyway. It was actually once a symbol of nature. The holiday tree is derived from pagan tree worship, much like virtually every other symbol Christianity borrowed from paganism.
It's also important to note to those who persist to argue that our country was founded on Christianity, that it was not. If it was, who were the Christian founders? I don't recall them. If they just mean that the citizens of our nation were mostly Christian, then why all the killing, slavery, slaughtering of animals, and greed, and lust, and all of the other sins? Doesn't sound like Christianity. Sounds like someone used the name of Christ to spread chaos.
My USA is for everyone. That means no festive decorations in schools and public buildings. Save all the cheap plastic junk and gaudy lights for your own homes. And do I really need the underpaid clerk at the mall to tell me "happy holidays" when I just cut someone off in the parking lot, fought over the last toy in the aisle with another parent, and then shoved someone out of my way on line, just to spend hundreds of dollars (that could've saved entire families in Africa) on junk that everyone will forget about next year anyway, all because some guy in a white robe told me to celebrate the birth of Christ on the 25th of December when he wasn't even born in the same season?
I don’t celebrate X-mas for Christian beliefs nor the materialism. For me, it is a celebration of family and fellowship.
Love is my God. And yes, trees should be worshipped, but not just once a year. Jesus would have wanted it that way.
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti