Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein executed before dawn

Now everyone is blind. Was Saddam a good person? Hell, no. But he wasn't the worst and he wasn't the first. And his execution does nothing for this crisis we are in now with our American soldiers being in harm's way. As U.S. fatalities near 3,000, it is important to remember that NO WMD or links to terrorism were ever found. The real reason for this war was a personal vendetta and personal profit for Bush's family and friends. Don't ever forget it. If they were really so worried about human liberation, they'd be invading Saudi Arabia or China or Korea, which have far worse regimes, but they're not because we do business with them.

Bravo, that there is one less dictator in control, not really though if you replace Hussein with the installment of Bush in 2000. They cancel each other out. But really, would Bush's Jesus condone execution? Hardly. The "president" has no moral values and no Christian values. "An eye for an eye" was certainly not the philosophy of Jesus, nor is it of Allah or Buddha.

Within hours of Hussein's death, a bomb planted aboard a minibus exploded in a fish market south of Baghdad, killing 31 people, said Haidr Nahi, service director of the al-Furat al-Awssat Hospital. About 58 others were wounded in the explosion in Kufa, a Shiite town 100 miles south of the Iraqi capital.

This Iraq crisis is nowhere near over.