The popular Al Gore is gaining support. With other candidates who voted for and supported the war, like Hillary Clinton, Gore is a much better choice since he was against it from the beginning. His work on global warming education has attracted the attention of the world and has just
earned him two Oscar nominations, something even Ronald Reagan didn't have. Let's not forget his years of experience first as a Congressman, then a Senator, and then a
successful Vice President in a successful administration that created jobs, created a surplus, and created the most progressive environmental laws yet. He is a Vietnam veteran, a civil servant, a teacher, a writer, and the winner of the 2000 election's popular vote. Even more so, in a nation tired of politicians, he is currently a civilian, one who is accomplishing much more than other presidential candidates like
Barack Obama who spends more time campaigning and talking about ideas than accomplishing anything. John Edwards is another civilian who is accomplishing more than many of the current passive and distracted members of Congress. Gore/Edwards would be a nice team, don't you think?
"The ideal candidate for the Democrats may be the man who won the popular vote in 2000 -- and who opposed the war in Iraq from the very start" Rolling Stone: Run, Al, Run