On the heels of Barack Obama's announcement to explore a candidacy for president, Clinton has decided to get in the ring and spoil Obama's attention. But she's not the first. Obama jumped into the ring a week after John Edwards announced his candidacy. Edwards is not currently a senator with Congressional duties. Yes, duties, it's actually a job. But what is it they are doing? What have these two candidates accomplished in their terms? Edwards is working on fighting poverty and rebuilding communities ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. As a civilian it seems he is accomplishing more than these current politicians. Al Gore can be included as one who has accomplished much more and been more outspoken than Obama and Clinton.
So what is it Obama and Clinton have accomplished?
Hillary Clinton
- ignored election fraud in 2000 and 04, of course this would help her run in 2008
- ignored the facts of 9/11 and refused to push further investigations pleaded by her own NY constituents
- ignored the brutal Canadian seal hunt, citing that business with Canada is more important than the fact that they're allowing the slaying of defenseless animals, including pups.
- voted for the Iraq War even though other members of Congress and many in the general public knew it was all an immoral political hoax.
- voted to keep troops there even after it was proved that the reasons for war were wrong and illegal.
- New York is no better. Inner city schools still can't afford textbooks and most public schools are failing the public. Costs of living and housing are atrocious. Environmental concerns are being ignored.
- She has spent the majority of her time as a NY senator travelling around doing fund raising to add to her million dollar campaign fund.
- She has used the state of New York to launch her presidential bid. This is a slap in the face to all of those who elected her.
- Has remained virtually silent on all of the Bush administration's blunders and assaults on our nation.
Barack Obama
- ignored election fraud and irregularities in 2004 and blew off the work of John Conyers Jr. who pushed for investigations. Six months after he ignored Conyers plea, he went and began his own legislation on voting rights under his own name.
- voted to keep troops in Iraq even though it was proven they were sent there for wrong reasons and even though the war continues to be a disaster.
- is too inexperienced in national politics and has no foreign policy experience at all.
- Illinois is no better. Inner city schools are still without funding for books and repairs. Suburban schools are still failing the public. Costs of housing are too high. Unemployment is still a problem. And environmental concerns are being ignored.
- Has spent more time campaigning in other states than he spends serving his own constituents in Illinois.
- Panders to the radical religious right
- Has remained virtually silent on all of the Bush administration's recent blunders on the war and their assaults on the environment & economy.