Today we attended the protest for peace to put an end to the war in Iraq and the destructive policies of the Bush Administration. Over 300,000 were estimated to be in attendance, marching for peace and demanding that Bush send the troops home. Americans from all walks of life were there today: the young and the old, black and white, Christian and Muslim, gay and straight, hippie and businessman, you name it they were there, well, except for the major news media. Even the networks accused of being "liberal" and "biased," like NBC, never even bothered to mention the emotions and thoughts of these thousands of Americans. Instead of the war and the protest for peace, NBC reported the 75th birthday of the Empire State Building, a man dying in his kitchen, and rabid dogs. Let's not forget the important sports and the weather! Everything but the war.
But the war wasn't the only subject of concern today, in fact it was one crisis of many. Among the concerns of Americans: the vicious attack on the environment, the protection of big business interests over the general public, the Hurricane Katrina disaster failure, a retched economy, failing public schools, infringement on civil liberties, fraudulent elections, and the list goes on.
One other growing concern is the sinister 9/11 cover up.
As described in my Thursday blog entry, I have uncovered a lot of new information about 9/11 since completing my book Broken Nation. The chapter titled "9/11" concludes with more questions than answers. Instead of answers, I touch on a few of the major theories and then move on to my simple conclusion that there are many unanswered questions. What these unanswered questions lead to is the fact that there are too many coincidences. The good news-- more people are beginning to acknowledge these coincidences, more people are beginning to ask questions about 9/11, and more people are beginning to think outside the box. After all, the unimaginable truth is far outside of the box that we are confined to by the politically and corporate-controlled media.
For more on 9/11, see the documentary Loose Change -2nd edition available at: http://www.loosechange911.com/ This is by far the best-made documentary film about 9/11 I have seen so far.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer