Sunday, April 23, 2006

New Bin Laden Tape

When the going gets tough and your approval ratings are nearing below 30%, just remind us how the "terrorists" are still out there.

The truth is, they haven't captured Bin Laden, they didn't when they had an opportunity, and they probably never will. Why? Well, because maybe he's working for the Bush Administration?But maybe Laden is not even responsible for 9/11. Despite the old video of a man who looks like Bin Laden, distorted by an American translator claiming he was responsible for the attacks, we now have reason to believe he may not have even had anything to do with 9/11. He did in fact release a statement the week of 9/11/01 that said "I am not responsible for these attacks." Furthermore, look at these key contradictions:
  1. The Bin Laden family was here in America on 9/11 doing business with Republicans.
  2. Saleen Bin Laden was a major investor in George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil in the 1970's.
  3. Osama Bin laden was treated for his kidney disease at the U.S. embassy in Dubai in summer 2001.

But then let's not forget the warnings:

"Bin laden determined to strike America" August 6th 2001 White House memo

So what's the real story?

Are we supposed to believe a man with kidney disease who requires frequent extensive medical attention has been hiding in caves for the past five years and that the best military and intelligence in the world has not been able to locate him? Are we supposed to believe that this man who once worked for the U.S. government and was trained by the CIA in the 1980's under George HW Bush is responsible for defeating the best intelligence and most sophisticated air defense in the world on 9/11, especially when we all know there was ample time for the U.S. military to intercept, at least, the plane that hit the second tower as well as the one that supposedly hit the Pentagon? Which by the way, there is no solid evidence of a plane even hitting the Pentagon. To add, Andrews Airforce base is only miles away from the Pentagon!

Bin Laden and the attacks on 9/11 are theater at its best, in the form of Tragedy.

Don't let these theatrical acts distract you from the truth.