On the same day that the U.S. government is proposing to can FEMA, the agency that was rightly blamed for the poor rescue performance after Hurricane Katrina, the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site began. How quaint that they call it the Freedom Tower! And as a Hollywood film is about to be released telling the hopeful though unproven story of Flight 93, and as an alleged new video of Bin Laden is released by the Bush administration to remind us of the terror that lurks out there, and bogus articles surface about how the government knew who the hijackers were so soon due to lost luggage, and other "investigative" articles arrive to miraculously try and answer the growing number of 9/11 skeptics, let us all remember it will be five years very shortly and we, the general public, still have no real answers. In fact, we are further away from being told the truth about what really happened that day. The 9/11 omission (sic) took us further away from the truth than the "independent" investigation was supposed to. And time, oh time, how it helps us forget the little details that build a much bigger picture. For some, forgetting is a good thing.
But let us not forget the details. Let's remind each other that there are too many coincidences, documented ones that have been lost in the shuffle of piles of paperwork. In my book Broken Nation I dedicate one chapter to the 9/11 mysteries and come up with more questions than answers, but many investigators and journalists have developed solid theories based on solid evidence. So why then doesn't the general public know these theories? Why then wouldn't I write about solid answers in my book? Well, the truth is there is so much information that it is too much for the average person to comprehend. It is also just too much to accept such a brutal truth that is outside the box of everyday thought. No one could have imagined Hamlet's own uncle killed his father so he could marry the queen and become king. No one could have imagined such deceit, yet it happens all of the time in real life.
I purposefully left a lot of answers out of Broken Nation, both because I honestly didn't know or believe what I know now and because I wanted you the reader to embark on a search of your own. While the general public is further away from the truth, there is a growing number of skeptics who are closer to the truth. One universal truth we should all now understand is that when there are too many coincidences, there's an underlying reason why.
We may also acknowledge that the truth will never fully come out. We still don't know the truth about JFK. But with some cover-ups there is hope. Just last week the son of Terry Nichols said his father is ready to speak about the Oklahoma City bombing and the other "higher-up officials" involved. The most we can do is fight for the truth and hope for justice.
So to start here's just a small list of problematic coincidences we have been otherwise told to not believe or forget, courtesy of David Ray Griffin from his book The New Pearl Harbor. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1566565529/bookstorenow57-20/104-2218194-9576756
1. Several FAA flight controllers exhibited extreme incompetence on 9/11, and evident on that day only.
2. The officials in charge at both NMCC and NORAD also acted incompetently on 9/11, and evidently on that day only.
3. In particular, when NMCC-NORAD officials did finally order jet fighters to be scrambled to protect New York and Washington, they ordered them in each case from more distant bases, rather than from McGuire and Andrews, respectively.
4. After public statements saying that Andrews Air Force Base had no jet fighters on alert to protect Washington, its website, which had previously said that many jets were always on alert, was altered.
5 Several pilots who normally are airborne and going full speed in under three minutes all took much longer to get up on 9/11.
6. These same pilots, flying planes capable of going 1,500 to 1,850 miles per hour, on that day were all evidently able to get their planes to fly only 300 to 700 miles per hour.
7. The collapse of the buildings of the World Trade Center, besides occurring at almost free-fall speed, exhibited other signs of being controlled demolitions: molten steel, seismic shocks, and fine dust were all produced.
8. The video and physical evidence suggesting that controlled demolition was the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers co-exists with testimony from people in these buildings that they heard, felt, and saw the effects of explosions.
9. The collapse of WTC-1 and WTC-2 had some of the same features as the collapse of WTC-7, even though the latter collapse could not be attributed to the impact and jet fuel of an airplane.
10. Both the North Tower and the South Tower collapsed just as their respective fires were dying down, even though this meant that the South Tower, which had been hit second, collapsed first.
11. Governmental agencies had the debris, including the steel, from the collapsed WTC buildings removed without investigation, which is what would be expected if the government wanted to prevent evidence of explosives from being discovered.
12. Physical evidence suggesting that what hit the Pentagon could not have been a Boeing 757 co-exists with testimony of several witnesses that the aircraft that did hit the Pentagon was far smaller than a 757.
13. This evidence about the aircraft that hit the Pentagon co-exists with reports that Flight 77 crashed in Kentucky or Ohio.
14. This evidence co-exists with the fact that the only evidence that Flight 77 did not crash was supplied by an attorney closely associated with the Bush administration.
15. Evidence that Flight 77 did not return to Washington to hit the Pentagon co-exists with the fact that when the flight control transcript was released, the final 20 minutes were missing.
16. The fact that the aircraft that hit the Pentagon did so only after executing a very difficult maneuver co-exists with the fact that it struck a section of the Pentagon that, besides containing none of its leaders, was the section in which the strike would cause the least death and destruction.
17. On the same day in which jet fighters were unable to protect the Pentagon from an attack by a single airplane, the missiles that normally protect the Pentagon also failed to do so.
18. Sounds from cell phones inside Flight 93 suggesting that the plane had been hit by a missile were matched by many reports to this effect from witnesses on the ground.
19. This evidence that Flight 93 was shot down co-exists with reports from both civilian and military leaders that there was intent to shoot this flight down.
20. The only plane that was evidently shot down, Flight 93, was the only one in which it appeared that passengers were going to gain control.
21. The evidence that Flight 93 was shot down after the passengers were about to gain control co-exists with the fact that the flight control transcript for this flight was not released.
22. That coincidence co-exists with the fact that when the cockpit recording of Flight 93 was released, the final three minutes were missing.
23. Evidence showing that the US government had far more specific evidence of what was to occur on 9/11 than it has admitted co-exists with evidence that it actively blocked investigations that might have prevented the attacks.
24. Reports of obstructions from FBI agents in Minneapolis co-exist with similar reports from Chicago and New York.
25. Reports of such obstructions prior to 9/11 co-exist with reports that investigations after 9/11 were also obstructed.
26. These reports of obstructionism co-exist with multiple reports suggesting that the US government did not really try to capture or kill Osama bin Laden either prior to or after 9/11, with the result that several people independently suggested that the US government must be working for bin LadenÂor vice versa.
27. All these reports co-exist with reports of hijackers being allowed in the country in spite of known terrorist connections or visa violations.
28. These reports about immigration violations co-exist with evidence that some of these same men were allowed to train at US flight schools, some on military bases.
29. This evidence of training at various American flight schools co-exists with reports that US officials tried to conceal this evidence.
30. The traumatic events of 9/11 occurred just a year after a document published by the Project for the New American Century, an organization whose founders included several men who became central figures in the Bush administration, referred to benefits that could come from "a new Pearl Harbor."
31. The "unifying Pearl Harbor sort of purple American fury" produced by the 9/11 attacks did benefit the Bush administration in many ways.
32. A credible report that spokespersons for the Bush administration had earlier announced that the US government was planning a war on Afghanistan, which would begin before the middle of October, co-exists with the fact that the attacks of 9/11, by occurring on that date, gave US military forces time to be ready to attack Afghanistan on October 7.
33. Ahmad Masood, whose continued existence would have posed problems for US plans in Afghanistan, was assassinated, reportedly by ISI operatives, just after the head of the ISI, General Mahmoud Ahmad, had been meeting in Washington for several days with the head of the CIA.
34. In the White Houses version of the recording of Condoleezza Rice's press briefing on May 16, the only portion that was inaudible was the portion in which the person under discussion, mentioned as having been in Washington on 9/11, was identified as "the ISI chief."
35. Evidence of official efforts to conceal General Ahmad's presence in Washington co-exists with evidence that, after it became known that General Ahmad had ordered $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta, US leaders exerted pressure on the ISI to dismiss him from his post quietly.
36. Evidence of these attempts to conceal General Ahmad's involvement in 9/11 co-exists with evidence that the FBI and other federal agencies sought to obscure the fact that Saeed Sheikh, the man who wired the money to Atta, was an ISI agent.
37. The fact that agents in FBI headquarters who presided over the alleged intelligence failure that allowed 9/11 to happen, widely called the biggest intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor, were promoted instead of fired or otherwise punished co-exists with the fact that other intelligence agencies also reported that there had been no punishments for incompetence related to 9/11.
38. This evidence of lack of punishment for poor performance co-exists with reports that intelligence officers who were diligently trying to pursue investigations related to 9/11 suffered negative treatment from superiors.
For more detailed explanations of these coincidences and what they mean to the 9/11 investigation visit the following sites:
or for even more detailed explanations and theories read the following books:
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions... by David Ray Griffin http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1566565847/sr=1-1/qid=1146180854/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-2218194-9576756?%5Fencoding=UTF8&s=books
The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1566565529/sr=8-1/qid=1146180767/ref=sr_1_1/104-2218194-9576756?%5Fencoding=UTF8
Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1931947058/sr=1-1/qid=1146180825/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-2218194-9576756?%5Fencoding=UTF8&s=books
Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs